MUFMAP II MUFMAP II gives you the entire picture of the High Frequency Spectrum 1.8 Mhz to 30Mhz for any given day. And an hour by hour picture of the band openings for the day or any given day. MUFMAPS have many other uses. You can plan your operating schedule for contests more effectively; decide whether it is worth getting up at 3am just to see what conditions are like; aid in setting up sche3dules with DX stations. The big advantage of MUFMAP II has over all other propagation programs is that it shows you where the band openings are all over the world and all at once. Other programs will tell you when that bands are open to a particular location (such as England, South Africa, etc). Only Mufmap can give you the world. MUFMOVIE: Its the week before the big DX contest. You're starting to plan you operating schedule. In order to see what progagation conditions will be like throughout the cont6est, you select the Make a Mufmovie option in Mufmap. You tell Mufmap that you want a Mufmovie showing conditions on Aug 17 from 0000UTC to 24000UTC in two hour steps. After Mufmap has made the movie, you watch it by selecting the Watch a Mufmovie option. By seeing what conditions will be like throughout the whole, you can make ssure that you are using your time most efficiently - like knowing when everything will be closed so you can set some sleep. INSTALLING AND RUNNING MUFMAP The following files are located in the MUFMAP.Zip MUFMAP.BAT - a batch fle to run the MUFMAP program MUFMAPII.EXE - The MUFMAP program DEFAULTS.DAT - contains various user defined defaults WORLD1.PIC - a map of the world in 320X200 graphics In MUFMAP2.ZIP are some sample files and maps Note: they are not required to operate MUFMAPII but only are shown for examples only. If you have a hard disc drive, I recommend you to install Mufmap on it. This will greatly increase the speed at which Mufmaps and Mufmovies are retrieved. 1. Create a directory on you hard drive to hold MUFMAP: Type MD C:\MUFMAP Unzip MUFMAP.ZIP to this directory. 2. Create a subdirectory in MUFMAP by typing: MD \MUFMAP\MAPS 3. Unzip MUFMAP2.Zip to this subdirectory If you have an IBM compatible graphics printer and you want to be able to print MUFMAPS on you printer, then you must either: Copy the DOS program GRAPHICS.COM or GRAPHICS.EXE to the mufmap directory, or have the directory which contains the DOS Graphics program available on the DOS PATH statement. (SEE your DOS manual for information on the PATH statement) To run MUFMAP go to the directory MUFMAP and type mufmap. When making a MUFMAP, you will be asked for the Solar Flux number. This can be acquired from WWV Radio at 18 Minutes after the Hour on 2.5 Mhz, 5 Mhz, 10 Mhz, 15 Mhz or 20 Mhz. on AM. Or you can call NBS which maintains a recorded phone message service that also operates 24 hours a day. The message is the same as that broadcasted by WWV. Tele No: 303-497-3235 (Boulder Colorado) DEFINITIONS LUF- The lowest usable Frequency that will support communications between yourself and another stations. HPF - The highest possible frequency is the frequency which will support communications between yourself and anoother station on at least 10 percent of the time. MUF - The maximum useable frequency is the frequency which will support communications between yourself and another station on at least 50 percent of the time. FOT - The frequency of Optimum Traffic is the frequency which will support communications between yourself and another station at least 90 percent of the time. SOLAR FLUX - A measure of the intensity of the sun's electromagnetic radiation. Good Luck with the program.